Total Norge Martin Linge

The North Sea Martin Linge field (now operated by Equinor) is an oil and gas discovery made in 1978. The field is located 42 kilometers west of Oseberg, Norway, where the water depth is 115 metres. Equinor became the operator of the Martin Linge field on 19 March 2018.

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100k tags
500 people
5 days

The challenge

Our client Total, needed to define, collect and assure the delivery of engineering information from multiple contracting organizations for multiple work packages (over 100k tags). They also needed to be able to measure the data against industry standards to ensure it is fit for use in operations & maintenance for long term efficiency (full asset lifecycle) and they needed a platform that was cost effective with rapid deployment.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide data structure and to manage the data standard requirements.

Detailed engineering information requirements could be provided to contractors that could be measured against data provided from them (know what you asked for, know what you got)


PIM360 used to manage over 100k tags from multiple contractors. Data was immediately available to the relevant project stakeholders.

Connected data

All data was then shared via online reports and dashboards. Data was immediately available to the relevant project stakeholders. Data could be measured for completeness and any duplicated data identified before being accepted using the business rules as defined in CLS360.

They’ve very much become a trusted member of our team.

Specialist Engineer, Maintenance. Total E&P AS

M C C - 13- P T - 60
From the outset Datum360 has supplied constant, high quality advice. They’ve understood our requirements and then, using their Platform, have helped us specify, collect and assure the delivery of engineering information.

Specialist Engineer, Maintenance. Total E&P AS

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