ICL - Boulby Mine, UK

ICL Boulby is in the North of England. They have the World’s only Polyhalite mine (Polyhalite is an organic fertilizer). They plan to mine 1 million tonnes per year by 2020.

Boulby is the UK’s deepest mine and as well as mining Polyhalite, they also mine salt and have underground research facilities.

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The challenge

ICL required an interoperable and sustainable technical data management system for the mine.

ICL needed to structure and connect all technical data for the mine; so that it could be managed, shared, with an auditable management of change, in order to make more efficient use of data with confidence that the data could be trusted.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide structure and business rules for the mine’s technical data for both process and mining assets, including rock mechanics, geology, survey, asset management and operational data including all supporting digital content and documents.


PIM360 was implemented, based on the structure created in CLS360 and all mine technical data imported from multiple applications and documents. This included applications such as HSE, corporate ERP systems and internally developed applications.

Connected data

All data was then shared via online reports and dashboards. Data was immediately available once approved by relevant stakeholders. Data could then be measured for completeness and any duplicated data identified before being accepted using the business rules as defined in CLS360.

Datum360's software is allowing us to break down data silos, freeing up our data to be shared in a trusted, integrated environment. If someone needs information, it is becoming more easily available.

Richard Severn, Head, Technical Services

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We are going against the industry norm and successfully demonstrating with each contract win that we can deploy our robust, quality systems in little to no time.

Steve Wilson, CEO, Datum360

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